Production time for this blade is 18-24 months
The Sayoc Warhawk was designed by Tuhon Tom Kier for Sayoc Tactical Group. Each hawk is custom made by Sayoc Bladesmith Tuhon Harley Elmore. This design has been active in the operational theater for a number of years. It's reputation as an amazingly effective close quarter weapon has spread throughout the community and made it a very sought after piece of weaponry. The Warhawk has design elements from ancient headhunters but made with modern day materials.
The Front Spike
The front spike, originally used by head hunters in the northern Philippines, solves several of the inherent problems seen with traditional flat face hawks and axes. The front spike penetrates even round targets that traditional hawks would typically glance off and lose energy transfer. The WarHawk's point will actually thrust in, gain a purchase, and allow the rest of the hawk to continue into the target. Both of these features give the War Hawk the ability to actually end an altercation that other hawks can not.
The Sweet Spot
All weapons have one. On the Sayoc WarHawk, the inside curve of the hawk face is the "sweet spot." It is what catches the target, drives the front spike in and delivers the most effective cutting energy into the target.
The Beard
Having an increased beard length creates a larger cutting surface on the hawk face, but has additional benefits too. The distance between the handle and the beard spike is designed to utilize techniques that move the opponent by catching areas such as the back of the neck, back of the arms or inside of the elbows. This means the user is no longer restricted to just hacking at targets, but has additional abilities of striking, hooking, throwing and slashing all with the same weapon.
The Back Spike
The back spike is not sharpened to an acute point to prevent accidental self injury during the bang and crash of conflict.
The Handle and The Steel
The WarHawk has a skeletonized handle that reduces weight. The handle is made of grooved G10 scales that ensure a positive grip with or without gloves. Each hawk is made using CPM154, an amazing strong and durable steel that has excellent edge retention and long lasting performance. The strength of this hawk allows for it to serve as both an effective weapon and as a secondary breaching tool.
The Sheath
These custom Kydex sheaths are made for the hawk to draw straight down.
There is a custom strap to securely keep the hawk seated.
The sheath is Molle compatible and designed to attach as a modular accessory to your web gear.
We include a pair of Malice clips but other attachment accessories can be used for carry on a belt or other locations.
Proper placement inside the sheath is required for your hawk to draw correctly. We recommend you practice drawing and resheathing your blade before use.
Each sheath is specifically designed to hold your live blade hawk. We do not recommend you place your hawk trainer in the sheath because it could cause malfunction of your sheath.
Anatomy of the Hawk
1. Front Spike
2. Sweet Spot
3. Beard
4. Back Spike
We stand behind our blades.
If you have any issues with your blade or sheath please contact us and we will make it right.
Production time for this blade is 18-24 months
*Disclaimer* HeadHunter blades are designed specifically to be self defense weapons. Misuse may result in injury to yourself or your blade. Buyer agrees to hold HeadHunter Blades, Warrior’s Way International Inc., Sayoc Kali® and/or their respective affiliated organizations harmless in the event of damage or loss resulting from their use or misuse. Buyer is solely responsible for observing local laws and should be aware that edged tools, knives and the like may be illegal to possess or carry where you live.
VERY IMPORTANT! Buyer is solely responsible for customs clearance for whatever country their order ships to. Customers must check with their local customs officials to determine the legality of all items ordered. HeadHunter Blades is not responsible for any items seized by customs and will not knowingly make shipments to countries where any items are illegal.
By entering into any transaction with HeadHunter Blades, buyer implies having read and understood this disclaimer.