If you would like more information about custom blades and options please email us at HeadHunterBlades@gmail.com.
Prices and availability will vary. Email us for more information.
Current production time is 18-24 months.
Custom blades are $900.00
Custom blade packages come with a custom trainer and two custom sheaths to accommodate different carry positions.
You can get your custom HeadHunter Blade started for a non refundable $100 deposit.
Below you will need to choose the design you are wanting, the color you want the scales of your live blade to be and the carry position you want your sheath made for.
Handle Color Options
From left: gray and black, od green and black, coyote brown and black, (blue and black for trainers only).
Production time for this blade is 18 to 24 months
*Disclaimer* HeadHunter blades are designed specifically to be self defense weapons. Misuse may result in injury to yourself or your blade. Buyer agrees to hold HeadHunter Blades, Warrior’s Way International Inc., Sayoc Kali® and/or their respective affiliated organizations harmless in the event of damage or loss resulting from their use or misuse. Buyer is solely responsible for observing local laws and should be aware that edged tools, knives and the like may be illegal to possess or carry where you live.
VERY IMPORTANT! Buyer is solely responsible for customs clearance for whatever country their order ships to. Customers must check with their local customs officials to determine the legality of all items ordered. HeadHunter Blades is not responsible for any items seized by customs and will not knowingly make shipments to countries where any items are illegal.
By entering into any transaction with HeadHunter Blades, buyer implies having read and understood this disclaimer.